Don’t Tell The Rabbi

Book I: Three Friends and an Old Lady

Book II: Balagan

“SO, WHAT YOU’VE GOT IS ME, BABY. JUST ME TO TELL YOU what happened inImage Beulah, SC, the year the rabbi found out. But before I get into all that, I should tell you who you’re lookin’ at. I’m not very big for a pastor’s wife and I have red hair. The church won’t let me do anything—it’s Baptist—so I mainly get into trouble and try not to. When I say “red,” that’s a euphemism. My hair looks more like some random October maple—and I don’t allow ‘ginger’ …” And so it begins. A wild and inspirational romp in the small town South. An inside look at the relationship (with commentary) between a rabbi, a minister, and an English professor … and what the rabbi discovers long after the whole town is buzzing. If this was a stage play (and it should be) it would be a Tony Award contender! Join the rabbi and friends on this hilarious, inspirational, revealing ride of spiritual enlightenment. Don’t Tell the Rabbi is a book you’ll want to share with friends. (click here to sample book 1)

About the Author

Sigrid Fowler is a journalist and graduate of Agnes Scott College, Emory University, and Erskine Theological Seminary. Most recently, she studied spoken Hebrew at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Her articles on literary and other topics have appeared in professional journals, and she currently writes a weekly column for The Edgefield Advertiser, Edgefield, SC, where she lives. Fowler has enjoyed teaching English literature to college freshmen, but her passion is to point readers to the all-time best-seller, the Bible. Her pleasures include creating party cakes, reading the Bible in languages other than English, playing the piano, drawing, and making road trips in her Miata. Soli Deo Gloria!


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